Greystone Park

Greystone Park is a found footage horror film written by Sean Stone and Alexander Wraith, directed by Sean Stone, and starring Sean Stone, Alexander Wraith, Antonella Lentini, Oliver Stone and Bruce Payne.

Greystone Park has received negative reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds arating, with an average score of 1.85. On IMDb, the film holds a rating of 3.210 based on 1,332 votes by users of the website.The working titles of the film were Graystone and SecretStone. The film was released on DVD in the UK in August 2012, under the title The Asylum Tapes, and it is due to be released in the US in October 2012. Sean Stone appeared on Alex Joness radio show The Alex Jones Show in April 2011 to discuss the film. ........

Source: Wikipedia